Summer Sanity: Strategies to Avoid Over-Scheduling Children in the Summer Months

Calendar showing the month of July and a note saying "summer trip"

Summer is a time for fun, relaxation, and growth for many kids. However, parents commonly feel the pressure to fill their children's schedules with a multitude of activities. While extracurricular activities can benefit education, growth, and development, over-scheduling can adversely affect both children and parents. 

New Study Reveals Strategies to Bridge Gender Gap in Computing Education

Gender equity in computing continues to be a critical concern in the STEM landscape, with persistent disparities despite advancements in other fields. In a groundbreaking new study funded by the National Science Foundation, Florida State University researchers delve into the effectiveness of interventions aimed to address this imbalance.

Navigating Student Motivation: A Dive into Multiple Goals Regulation in the New Year


Embarking on a new year often brings with it a surge of resolutions, a list of aspirations for self-improvement and growth. In the fast-paced world of college life, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities from academic pursuits to personal obligations, especially at the start of a new semester. Driven by a passion for understanding and addressing motivational challenges faced by students, Assistant Professor Yeo-eun Kim delves into the intricate web of motivation and self-regulation.