CEHHS Office of Research

The mission of the Office of Research (OoR) is to provide excellent service to College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences faculty in the development, administration, and amplification of research efforts.

Are you a faculty or staff member interested in learning more about the CEHHS OoR? Click here.

Research Development

We offer a wide array of pre-award services such as:

  • supporting the identification of funding opportunities,
  • developing a customized analysis of identified external programs,
  • formulating a research plan,
  • providing methodological support,
  • preparing a research proposal and budget,
  • editing proposals, and
  • completing university and funding agency submission requirements.

Research Administration

In support of research administration, the OOR provides post-award services such as:

  • monitoring budget expenditures,
  • preparing monthly budget reports,
  • processing paperwork related to purchasing, travel, and personnel matters,
  • ensuring compliance with sponsor and university policies, and
  • managing grant close-out activities.

Research Amplification

Research amplification efforts refer to deliberate strategies and initiatives aimed at increasing the reach, visibility, and impact of research findings. The goal is not only to make research accessible but also foster a more informed and engaged public discourse around important issues. This work includes activities, such as:

  • The CEHHS Research Showcase,
  • Academy of Scholars,
  • Dean’s Circle Catalyst Grant,
  • Research Publication Program,
  • Research Travel Program,
  • Open Access Publishing Program, and
  • Institutional Programs supporting The Council on Research + Creativity (CRC).

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Gillian Stewart Gregory
Program Director
Florida State University
Office of Research 
College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences
675 West Call Street
242E Sandels Building
Tallahassee, FL 32306
T: (850)901-5779 
E: ggregory@fsu.edu
W: https://cehhs.fsu.edu/oor



Joshua NewmanDr. Joshua Newman
Associate Dean for Research and Professor
(850) 644-8788                                  
1109 Stone Building

Joshua Newman is the College’s Associate Dean for Research and a Professor of Media and Cultural Studies in the Department of Sport Management. He served as the Founding Director of the Center for Sport, Health, and Equitable Development from 2012 to 2021 and Sport Management’s Associate Chair and PhD Program Director from 2014-2018 and from 2020-2021. His research and teaching focus on the political, economic, and cultural aspects of sport and physical activity.

In the community, Joshua was actively involved in the development of Tallahassee’s Cascades Park and as a consultant for the City of Tallahassee’s Division of Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Affairs. In his free time, Joshua spends his days traversing the state and region with Hanhan, Rhys, and Emma in search of football (soccer), amusement parks, or good food!

Gillian GregoryGillian Stewart Gregory
Program Director
(850) 645-9521
1211H Stone Building

Gillian Gregory is currently a Program Director with the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences.

In her role, Ms. Gregory is responsible for a variety of university related research administration. She works directly supporting faculty and researchers from pre-award ideation to grant implementation to close out reporting. Not only does, Ms. Gregory provide technical support across the College, she also connects FSU faculty and researchers with schools and districts -among other stakeholder groups- across the state to collaborate on research and implement solutions as a bridge between academia and practitioner.

Ms. Gregory serves as a Principal Investigator and Co-PI. Since coming to FSU in February 2022, she has been a PI or co-PI in the awarding of $1.247 million in grants. Approximately $300,000 is pending and is anticipated to be awarded before July 1. 

Another area of responsibility includes directly supporting our laboratory schools in Tallahassee, Bay, and Broward. This works builds on her previous career experience. Ms. Gregory came to FSU from Leon County Schools where she was a Principal, Director, Divisional Director and, most recently, served as Assistant Superintendent for Academics.  In this capacity her areas of responsibility included all teaching and learning PreK-12, dual enrollment, charter schools, assessment, accountability, all professional development for administrative, instructional, and non-instructional personnel, and technology and information services, among others.   

Within the scope of this work, Ms. Gregory was responsible for the ensuring the successful launch of the district’s 1:1 initiative, on-boarding of both a Learning Management System and Students Information System for over 50 schools, 30000 students, and more than 2000 teachers. She was also pivotal in other enterprise-wide initiatives such as the implementation of new state standards PreK-12, accountability processes, assessment implementation, stakeholder outreach, and teacher evaluation systems.   

Notably, Ms. Gregory is one of only a small number of educators in Florida who is considered a “Turnaround Principal” due to student success on state accountability measures. She has implemented a variety of instructional reforms including those that align to improved literacy outcomes, graduation rates, and acceleration opportunities for all students. As a result of her efforts, schools that she has led or supported in her various district roles consistently outperform accountability expectations.  

Not only has Ms. Gregory supported academic learning, she has also implemented an assortment of career and technical education programs aligned to workforce needs in her community including the creation and alignment of acceleration mechanisms in elementary, middle, and high school. These initiatives have resulted in students graduating ready to successfully complete post-secondary education and training- or enter the workforce with high wage skills.  

Over her over 28-year education career, she has worked in the Florida Legislature in education policy, in Alachua and Broward counties in instructional and administrative roles, and at Florida Virtual School. She also launched a district online K-12 school which has been recognized as the #1 FLVS franchise in Florida.

In addition, Ms. Gregory has taught a variety of post-secondary courses including literacy, literacy assessment, and provided supervision for teacher interns. She has an earned Ed. S. from Florida State University, a master’s degree in educational leadership from Florida Atlantic University, and her undergraduate degree from the University of Florida.

Gillian moved to Tallahassee in 2006 from South Florida. In her free time, Gillian mentors youth, navigates a divided household as her husband and children are Seminole fans and she is a Gator, and works as a personal assistant to her children.

Stacy FletcherStacy Fletcher
Administrative Specialist
(850) 644-0334
1211D Stone Building

Stacy has worked for FSU for over 25 years. Prior to joining the CEHHS Office of Research (OoR) in 2012, she worked for University Communications as Departmental Accounting Associate. In her current role as OoR Administrative Specialist, Stacy specializes in processing the OoR’s Sponsored Research and grant-funded appointments, payroll, purchasing, travel, and time entry. In her free time, Stacy enjoys camping, hunting, fishing and taking care of her family.


Kristina RoumelisKristina Roumelis
Senior Grants Specialist
(850) 644-4005
1211E Stone Building

In the CEHHS Office of Research (OoR), Kristina assists faculty researchers with a variety of pre- and post-award activities including budget planning; compliance with state and federal laws related to spending; completing funding agency and university proposal forms; budget monitoring; compliance with federal and state regulations and university policies and procedures; processing travel reimbursements, student stipends, and tuition waivers; and project closeout.

A lifelong Seminole who has been working at FSU for nearly 10 years, Kristina joined CEHHS in 2019. She previously worked in the Controller’s Office in Student Business Services, Travel, and most recently as a supervisor within Accounts Payable. In 2012, she graduated from FSU with a bachelor’s degree in hospitality after an amazing internship at Walt Disney World.

She was born in Indiana and spent most of her childhood there before moving to Tallahassee. Kristina misses the seasons and snow, but loves being near the beach and lots of great parks! She and husband, Justin, have two children, William and Ava, who are the lights of their lives. Kristina loves to cook, read, travel, spend time with friends and family, and try new local restaurants. She is thankful to be here at CEHHS!

Katherine YaunKatherine Yaun
Senior Editor | Associate in Research
(850) 645-9543
1208G Stone Building

Katherine provides editorial, grantsmanship, and proposal development support to College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences faculty researchers who are writing grant proposals for federal, private, and state funding agencies, as well for university-sponsored internal grant programs. She also assists CEHHS faculty to identify funding opportunities, collaborators, and programs of research.

She has worked as an editor and publications manager in newspaper, non-profit consulting, government, and publishing sectors for over 20 years, joining the CEHHS Office of Research in 2017. With a master’s in British literature from FSU (Jane Austen is her hero!), B.A. in English/minor in Spanish from Baylor University (vamos, Bears!), and TEFL certifications, Katherine also has English-teaching experience in the U.S. and Bolivia at the elementary and university levels. Katherine loves world travel (1 more continent to go!) and languages, creative writing, reading, running, yoga, dancing, volunteering, piano, and outdoor adventures with friends and family on the beautiful trails in Tallahassee.

Jing ChenJing Chen
Grants Specialist
1211C Stone building

Jing Chen joins the Office of Research staff with experience in administration and human resource management. With a degree in environmental engineering, Jing also brings a wealth of knowledge in process management. In her current role, Jing supports Educational Leadership and Policy Studies and Human Development and Family Sciences.  Jing’s positive attitude and commitment to learning has made her transition to our team seamless. 

In Jing’s free time she loves exercising, watching drama, and playing video games. She has two small children and enjoys spending time and traveling with her family.

Gabriela GutierrezGabriela Gutierrez
Grant Compliance Analyst
1211J Stone Building

Gaby joined the Office of Research in July 2023 to assist faculty members of the Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences department with both pre- and post-award tasks. Gaby’s previous experience with the HNFS’s graduate academic affairs has allowed her to build relationships with faculty – driving her to ensure the research endeavors of the department are successful.

Born and raised in Miami, Florida, Gaby moved to Tallahassee in 2016 for her undergraduate degree and graduated from the FSU-Teach Chemical Science program in 2022. She is passionate about cooking for her husband and friends (specifically the nostalgic Cuban meals from her childhood) and being in the great outdoors.

Christine HuangChristine Huang
Grants Specialist

1211K Stone Building

As a Grants Specialist in the Office of Research, Christine provides post-award services to the faculty members. While she is specifically assigned to the School of Teacher Education, she provides support to a multitude of PIs across the College as she has exceptional expertise in post award management. Christine is specialized in grants reports, travel, and procurement services. Prior to her position at CEHHS, she was a Program Coordinator in the Nuclear Group of the Physics Department at FSU.

Christine received her bachelor’s degree in English Education from Hangzhou University and is currently a part-time graduate student in the TESOL program at CEHHS. Before settling down in Tallahassee, she lived in upstate New York and in the Midwest.  Christine enjoys singing in her church choir, reading biographies, and hiking in the Southwood and Greenway trails. She is a mom of three boys, who keep her busy all the time.

Christine MooreCierra Moore
Grants Compliance Analyst Email
1211C Stone Building

Cierra joins the Office of Research team from within FSU. For almost 7 years, Cierra has worked with  Student Business Services, Human Resources Attendance & Leave and The Controller’s Office Administration.  She brings her expertise in FSU processes, procedures, and policy to our Office of Research Staff. Her invaluable knowledge about business administration at FSU will have an immediate impact on grants administration within our expanded college. She currently supports the Sports Management and Educational Psychology and Learning Systems departments.

When not at work, Cierra is busy with her son Kameran, Cierra enjoy all things self-care, trying new restaurants, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.

black and white portrait of Crystle DockCrystle Dock
Program Manager
(850) 645-9412
3210G Stone Building

Crystle Dock is the Business Manager for the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences. She joins Florida State with 20 years of experience in accounting and financial support within the education systems.

During her previous experience, she managed over $30 million in both local and federal grants, allowing her to gain knowledge in all factors of grant and financial management. Crystle Dock is a native of North Florida, and enjoys spending time with her husband, children, and grandchildren.

black and white portrait of Wajeeha HazoorWajeeha Hazoor
Assistant in Research/Senior Editor
(850) 645-6996
1208H Stone Building

Wajeeha holds a Ph.D. from Columbia University. Prior to receiving her doctoral degree, she acquired three years of grant-writing and editing experience at non-profits and multilateral agencies. She also has extensive experience implementing applied research in education, maternal and child healthcare, and immunization in data-poor, low-income countries. At the CEHHS OoR, in addition to supporting research development focusing on NIH and NSF grants, she pursues a research agenda on educational privatization and school choice in the United States and South Asia. In her spare time, Wajeeha enjoys exploring Tallahassee and attending yoga classes.

black and white portrait of Jim PfohlJames Pfohl
Scientific Research Specialist (Laboratory Facility Management/Equipment Support)
300A Sandels Building

Jim Pfohl joins the Office of Research team from within FSU. Jim previously worked as Superintendent in Transportation and Parking and has been with the university for five years.  He brings a wealth of knowledge and over twenty years of experience in operations management, inventory management, and maintenance and repairs. 

Jim is originally from up state New York.  He is married to his wife, Jessica who also works for the State of Florida at Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.  In his free time, he and his wife go camping and travel around to National Parks across the United States.