Location is Key to Educational Leadership Job Opportunities

Jennie Kroeger

There are teachers and there are those who help lead teachers. Educational leadership is the pursuit of advanced knowledge of core educational skills with a focus on becoming a lead administrator within the education industry. Educational leaders strive to direct and improve the quality of education across the country through an understanding of education policy and techniques. Educational leaders are trained for a variety of careers. From being the director for various schools or training programs - including city school districts, culinary schools, dental schools, and more - to policy coordinators for government institutions. A common career path for someone with a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership would be managing the oversight of state resources dedicated to standardizing education curriculum and programs.

Florida is ranked #1 in Teacher Quality by the National Council of Education in 2012 and 2014

The Florida Department of Education has very high standards for their teachers and schools. They were ranked No. 1 in Teacher Quality by the National Council of Education in 2012 and 2014 (source) as a result of strongly organized and implemented education policies. None of that could have been accomplished were it not for highly educated and qualified Education Leaders. Florida State University students pursuing a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership are in a great location to receive first-hand access to statewide education policy. FSU's Educational Leadership & Administration program provides graduates with the knowledge and experience to impact change in the state of Florida's education system. Staffed by PhDs, authors, and experts in education policy, students in the Educational Leadership & Administration program have access to a wide knowledge base from which to learn. The added benefit of acquiring a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership & Administration is that students are already in the right place to apply their degrees upon graduation.

FSU is also home to the Learning Systems Institute (LSI), one of the oldest university-based education research programs in the country. According to their site, they "help strengthen and update teaching practices in Florida and around the world, drawing on the talents and experience of LSI's own experts and from faculty across the university and from other institutions." It's no surprise that by enrolling in an advanced education program at FSU, you'll have great contacts and research opportunities within the Learning Systems Institute, as many of the FSU faculty participate in research programs and studies here. The Learning Systems Institute is also well funded compared to other university research programs. With $48.3 million in active contracts and grants from 2014 - 15, and second among FSU departments in securing new contracts and grants in 2015, the LSI is one of the best venues to apply your Ph.D. in Education Leadership & Administration. In addition to the LSI, most of the state's governing educational organizations are located in Tallahassee. To impact change, it's a smart choice to learn and make connections in the place where you'll be working. If you're interested in learning more about FSU's Educational Leadership & Administration degrees and opportunities or jobs in Education Leadership afterward, check out our program below: Learn More About Our Educational Leadership & Administration Program